Friday, January 27, 2012

Camping or Puzzling???

When I was a young Mom, I read where there were two activities that helped with family time: Camping or doing puzzles. Having four children under the age of 6, camping seemed like a nightmare. At some point, I begin buying a puzzle during Christmas time. Last year it was a round puzzle. This year was a glitter puzzle.

Now how does one get her children to put together a puzzle? Put most of it together. Then as the puzzles takes shape, they like to add and finish it. But the hard part (the beginning) is always done by Mom.

But the fun part is as the friends come in and out, they begin to work on the puzzles. Sometimes there is conversations and sometimes not. Then they come in and say "Hey, that puzzle is coming along". Or they come in and say " Mrs. Bass, you know that puzzle will not fit on your card table?" Yes, I had bought a puzzle online. I bought it for its glitter! A Chicago Glitter puzzle. I did not read the measurements. I even had ask David to buy me a card table as an early Christmas present for the puzzle.

But I keep working knowing somehow we would get it all together. And at the last minute, we added the ironing board to the table and "" the entire puzzle was together.

Good tradition and Better than camping in my book.

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