Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mexico..........Take 4

Jason began going to Mexico after his 9th grade year. The goal was to make relationships and help people. No preaching. Just love on those who needed love and work long hard hours. This is Jason type of Mission Trip. He worked hard and loved the children he helped provide for. This is Stephen's third year and he hasn't met too many kids that didn't like him. That was the easy part. The hard part was the hard work. But working for those who don't have what you have and probably never will makes it easier.

This was Katie Ann 2nd year and she left off where she was last year...painting. She can paint and this year she was able to work with both of her brothers.
Stephen working on the "ranch" where the single Mom and her children are staying under the care of Pastor Rubin and his family.

First mission trip with her brother Jason who will be leaving for college in 2 months.

1 comment:

Gina Mann said...

Hello Michele!! Just LOVE all the great news about your family.. You guys are having a great time up there in Tennessee!! I emailed this to Kelley.. So sorry we missed you guys this week... We will do a better job keeping up with your next visit....

LOVE- Gina