Monday, May 10, 2010

What I Missed this Week.....

Pneumonia........Did you know that there are at least 30 different causes of Pneumonia? I didn't but I do know that we just spent Nine days in the hospital. 4 1/2 in Murfreesboro and 4 1/2 at Vanderbilt trying to find a way to cure the Pneumonia and the 103 fever that came with it. David and Michele's life did stop for over a week, but we chose to let the kids remain occupied. So below Katie Ann had to have a new family (thank you Francis family) to take a picture with for the DNJ athletic banquet. And above Caroline was cheered on by other friends mothers at the finals of her soccer team championship game. I am just so glad for digital cameras and websites (facebook) that let me experience their moments while sitting in a hospital room.

1 comment:

Brian and Amy said...

Pneumonia is rough! I had it several years ago and spent 4 days in the hospital and missed over 2 weeks of work. We had heard Bass was really sick but I did not ever know what it was. Glad he is better.