Saturday, March 27, 2010

Through the eyes of a 12 year old....

Caroline went on a trip to south Alabama last week. I was going through her pictures on her camera. You never know what is going through your child's mind when they take a picture or what struck them to think they needed to capture that moment. We have never told Caroline this is they reason we go to church so I am sure this sign was a eye catcher.
I don't think she has seen this type of plant in Tennessee. Even in Alabama we had these. I take for granted what they have grown up with and what I think they have grown up with.

I guarantee you that she has seen ice cream before (maybe too much). But the upside down ice cream cone must have caught her eye.

What good is a camera if you don't have a self portrait or two or three in your camera!


Carrie said...

Love this! The "Devil Will Get You" sign is our favorite! No trip to the beach is complete without us making fun of it! Good to see thing through the eyes of Sweet Caroline!

Brian and Amy said...

Don't ya'll want to move back to Auburn? Your house is for sale.